Our Boards
If a child is in immediate danger please call 999
We have a number of boards which provide strategic oversight and deliver the work of Barnet Safeguarding Children Partnership. Our multi-agency partners including Barnet Council, Metropolitan Police Service, North Central London CCG, health providers, education and the voluntary sector are represented across the boards.
The terms of reference set out in more detail the objectives and membership of each of the groups, as well as how the boards interlink to improve safeguarding of children and young people in Barnet.
If you have any questions about our board structure or would like to raise an item for consideration at one of our boards, please email BSCP@barnet.gov.uk.
The Leadership Forum provide strategic direction for the Partnership with a membership of the three senior leaders from the London Borough of Barnet, Metropolitan Police Service NW BCU and NHS North Central London ICB. The Leadership Forum oversee all of the Partnership's activities and receive regular updates from the subgroups. Chairing is rotated yearly between the 3 statutory safeguarding partners. Terms of reference here. (due to be updated June 24)
The Performance and Quality Assurance Panel has a crucial scrutiny and assurance function, reviewing multi-agency performance data and a range of annual reports including from the MASH, LADO, Tackling Youth Violence & Exploitation, Barnet Education & Learning Services annual report. PQA takes an active role in monitoring and advising many of the BSCP activities, including multi-agency audits, the training programme, Section 11 audits, Professional and Young People Forums and thematic deep dives. It also receives regular reports from the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector subgroup. Terms of reference here.
The Learning and Thematic Review Group is an independently chaired meeting looking at serious safeguarding incidents and deaths involving children and young people. It undertakes Rapid Reviews, oversees local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews and other bespoke learning activities, and monitors the implementation of recommendations. It also reviews national Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews and other relevant learning and good practice to implement in Barnet. Terms of reference here.
The Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector Group has recently been reinvigorated in Barnet with a new strategy and terms of reference. Its membership consists of larger community groups from Barnet and umbrella organisations which represent the VCF sector. Its aims are to bring the voice and knowledge of VCF organisations to the Partnership, as well as to improve safeguarding practice across the sector and increase engagement with Partnership activities and training.
For a visual guide to our Boards and our governance please click here.