Barnet Safeguarding Children Partnership Sitemap ABOUT USAbout UsBSCP Annual Reports, Independent Scrutiny Reports & Business PlansMulti Agency Safeguarding Arrangements Our BoardsC&YPChildren and Young PeopleBullyingChild sexual exploitationFeelings and identityFemale Genital Mutilation (FGM)GangsKnow your rightsMental health and emotional wellbeingMissingNeglectRadicalisationRelationship abuseSelf-harmStaying safe onlineTalk PantsWorried about an adult who works with childrenWorried About Yourself or a FriendYoung carersYouth homelessnessPARENTSParentsBereavement support Child sexual exploitationComplaints and complimentsDomestic abuseGangs and serious youth violenceHomelessnessLive Unlimited and supporting care leaversMental health and emotional wellbeingMissingRadicalisation and PreventReducing Parental Conflict - tools, resources and informationStaying safe onlineWorried about a childCARERS & THE COMMUNITYCarers and The CommunityFostering in Barnet Private fostering PROFESSIONALSBSCP ProfessionalsBarnet's Local Assessment Protocol and Continuum of Help & Support Threshold DocumentBSCP Learning RepositoryBruising in mobile and non mobile children - a protocol, strategy and pathwayChild protection and child in needChild protection information sharingCultural Competency StatementDomestic Violence and AbuseEarly Help for Children & FamiliesHomelessness Reduction Act 2018 Joint protocol for youth homelessnessLADOMASH protocolNational Youth Agency publishes 'one stop shop' of risk assessments, policies and processes for the 3rd sector to support safeguardingNeglectPhysical Chastisement statement - guide for professionalsPrivate fosteringRadicalisation and PreventBarnet’s Reducing Parental Conflict (RPC) ProgrammeReporting a concern about a childTackling Violence & Exploitation - Keeping Young People Safe including Children who go MissingTools and Resource Pack - Supporting Children, Families and Young People Through Challenging TimesUnborn protocolMental health and emotional wellbeingBSCP Learning, Recruitment and Development Pack Voluntary, community and faith sectorPOLICIES & PROCEDURESKey Strategic Documents and Plans London Borough of Barnet Family Services Procedures ManualResolution PolicyInformation SharingQuality AssuranceSection 11 Audits & Safeguarding ChecklistLearning and Improvement Framework (LIF)REVIEWSConducting Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (LCSPR)Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPR)Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP)TRAININGBarnet TrainingSafeguarding professionals training and organisational developmentWhy language matters: NSPCC guidesTHEMES & PRIORITIESThemes and PrioritiesSafe sleepChildren Out of SightYoung CarersSupporting Police responses to engaging missing and vulnerable children