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Voluntary, community and faith sector

Voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFS) organisation make a huge contribution to supporting and improving the lives of children and young people in Barnet and have a crucial role to play in safeguarding.

As Barnet Safeguarding Children Partnership we want to support VCFS organisations to fulfil their safeguarding duties and to improve practice in the local area. The BSCP Business team regularly meet local organisations and charities to support them to strengthen their safeguarding approaches - drop us a line if you would like this too!

All VCFS organisations in Barnet can access our training offer free of charge and we aim to continue improving the resources we share with the sector including through this website. 

We have a VCFS Safeguarding Subgroup with representatives from local organisations including Young Barnet Foundation, Community Barnet, Unitas, Youthzone, Youth Realities and many more. 

The Subgroup has recently agreed a new strategy which sets three goals for 2020-23:

  • Lead the sector in safeguarding
  • Support and improve practice 
  • Keep children safe. 

The above group is is revising it's terms of reference over 2024 so please do check back later in the year. 

Watch this space for more resources and support for VCFS organisations, and do get in touch with us if you have any questions or suggestions for help we can help. We'd love to hear from you at BSCP@Barnet.gov.uk

Helpful resources

Barnet Council guide to VCFS orgs https://www.barnet.gov.uk/community/voluntary-community-and-faith-groups

Charity Commission guidance about the safeguarding responsibilities of organisations

Government portal to support charities with safeguarding referrals

NSPCC advice about safeguarding, including support for faith organisations

NCVO safeguarding resources

Social Care Institute for Excellence guidance about charities and safeguarding

London child protection procedures which all voluntary organisations providing services to children and young people must follow

Community Barnet safeguarding resources

Young Barnet Foundation's member offer, which includes safeguarding support