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Young Carers

Think Young Carer campaign launched


As part of our work as a Partnership to raise awareness of risks posed to children out of sight of services, we are proud to launch our Think Young Carer Campaign.

Children who have caring responsibilities for siblings or adults can suffer adversity, it can impact on their emotional well-being and mental health, their capacity to build and sustain friendships, enjoy activities and on their capacity to engage in learning. 

Too often, children who shoulder caring responsibilities are out of sight, they can be absent or miss more school than their peers or miss important appointments for their own health, learning and development needs which can increase the risk of poor mental health, social isolation, low educational attainment and neglect.

An estimated 6,528 young carers aged 5-17 live in Barnet but less than 900 are getting support currently. 

Barnet has a fantastic support offer for young carers and information for professionals which can be accessed here: Think Young Carer | Barnet Young Carers

We must work together to identify children who need our help early and ensure they are offered the right support.

We have launched our 'Think Young Carer' Campaign which has been co-produced with some of our young carers. You can follow the campaign across our social media channels and don't forget to 'Think Young Carer.' With your help, we can make sure every young carer is seen, heard and accessing the support they need to protect them from harm.


Watch our award winning videos here Watch the film and shorts | Barnet Young Carers