The Barnet Safeguarding Children Partnership

MASH protocol

This protocol has been produced by the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Steering Group to outline the purpose and remit of the Barnet MASH; all updates to this document will be agreed with the Multi-Agency Partnership and in line with pan-London information sharing agreements. 

 Barnet MASH provides a single ‘front door’ for children in need of additional support and/or protection. Co-located within the MASH is a partnership (‘the partnership’) of professionals from a range of agencies including Metropolitan Police, Solutions4Health, Barnet Education & Learning Services, Barnet Children’s Social Care, Child & Family Early Help, Change, Grow, Live (alcohol and substance misuse service), Barnet Homes, London Probation Service and Solace Advocacy & Advice (Domestic Abuse) services.

The partnership work together to screen contacts received into the MASH, share and analyse information held across multiple client data systems and build a picture of the child’s history, current circumstances and agency involvement so that proportionate and timely decisions can be made about the type and level of services children need to safeguard their welfare, meet their needs and improve their outcomes.

MASH protocol

Here you can find the Barnet MASH Protocol 2023.

Website by: Taylorfitch