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Know your rights

If you are in immediate danger or know another child who is then please call 999

Your rights

Having an understanding of your rights puts you in control of your situation whatever it maybe. All children and young people have rights! However not all children and young people understand their rights and here we give you a small insight into your rights as a child or young person, so you can enjoy and achieve in life.

Your UN Convention Rights

Under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, you have the right to:

  • express your point of view
  • receive information in a way that you can understand
  • good healthcare and to be looked after properly

Even if you don’t have many choices over what is happening in your life, you still have rights. Do not be afraid to express your views, ask questions and say what’s on your mind so we can help you put your rights into action.

Your human rights

Our human rights are the basic things we need in order to live with dignity and grow as people. Food, housing, care, health care and freedom from abuse and neglect are all rights. No matter who you are, how old you are or where you live you have these rights simply because you are human.

The UK Government has passed laws and agreed to follow human rights rules that mean:

  • you should be treated with respect at all times
  • you should be consulted whenever decisions are made about you
  • you should never be treated unfairly because of your ethnic origin, sex, any disabilities, your religion or beliefs, your sexual orientation or your transgender status.

How to use your rights

UK laws back up some of your rights but not all of them.

Your rights under the Human Rights Act are legally enforceable and must be followed as they are part of UK law. This means that they can be used to bring a case to court or to argue that something should be changed.

Your rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child are not covered by law but should be used as a guide for how things should be. These can be used to argue your point if necessary.

The full list of your rights can be found here, and you can read more information on the Unicef website