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Mental health and emotional wellbeing

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What it is

Emotional wellbeing means a lot of different things, for example:

  • Being happy and confident and not anxious or depressed
  • Being able to do things for yourself and solve problems
  • Being able to manage your emotions and trying to feel what a situation is like
  • Being resilient and noticing what is happening around you
  • Having good relationships with others
  • Not having behavioural problems, that is, not being disruptive, violent or a bully.

Emotional wellbeing means you will be able to cope with some of the pressures that come with being a young person as you grow up and you will be able to develop the personal skills you need to get on in life.

However, there are lots of reasons why some young people become emotionally unwell, for example, experiencing abuse, having poor relationships with people that are close to them, struggling to get on with people at school, living in very poor home conditions.  Poor emotional health can lead to problems later in life.

Just as we all have physical health, we have mental health too. And just as our bodies can become unwell, so can our minds. Like physical illness, mental illness affects people of any age, race, religion or income.

Did you know?  1 in 10 young people experience mental health problems

time to chnage

What to do

There are lots of simple, everyday ways you can support someone who has a mental health problem. Small things can make a big difference, like being there to listen, keeping in touch and reminding the other person that you care.  This poster has been produced by Time to Change as a reminder how you can help. For more information and lots of resources, visit the Time to Change website.

Time to Change have also produced this fun way to start a conversation.  Download the template and have a go.

Young Minds have also got lots of useful information on common mental health problems and tips for children and young people about how to make a few changes in order to feel better.

In Barnet, there are different agencies that can provide support for children and young people who may poor emotional health or who are worried about their mental health. These include:

Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust provide mental health support for children and young people. 

KOOTH is confidential online counselling for Barnet Young People 11-19 year olds.

Young Barnet Foundation gives information on local charities that can offer support and advice to young people and families on emotional wellbeing.