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Learning and Improvement Framework (LIF)

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The Learning and Improvement Framework [LIF] outlines how the Partnership intends to monitor, evaluate and quality assure safeguarding arrangements and services for children and young people in Barnet.

The partnership has a number of key quality assurance functions including:

  • assessing the effectiveness of help being provided to children and families, including early help
  • assessing compliance of agencies against statutory duties
  • undertaking reviews including child safeguarding practice reviews and other local learning exercises
  • delivering multi-agency training in the protection and care of children, and evaluating this regularly to monitor impact  
  • developing multi-agency policies and procedures and thresholds that support partnership working and meet statutory guidelines
  • enabling effective learning and improvement across the partnership, including from child safeguarding practice reviews. 

The aim of the LIF is to support the partnership to deliver its quality assurance and learning functions and will:

  • support BSCP to fulfil its statutory obligations
  • make sure that the outcomes from reviews and other learning opportunities are used to influence practice development
  • support a culture of continuous improvement and learning
  • ensure that pathways are in place which identify the link between learning outcomes and improved services
  • ensure that single and multi-agency training and learning is consistently audited and reviewed to ensure best quality and that learning form this is used to develop training programmes accordingly
  • seek the views of children and families experience of services
  • use performance monitoring to assess the performance of all partners against core priority areas including: Right Plan Right Time (thresholds), improving assessments for children, improving planning for children and improving the timeliness of interventions.