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Section 11 Audits & Safeguarding Checklist

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The Barnet Safeguarding Children Partnership (BSCP) undertakes an annual Section 11 audit process of all agencies, as identified in Working Together 2023

What is Section 11 of the Children Act?

Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 places duties on a range of organisations and individuals to ensure their functions, and any services that they contract out to others, are discharged having regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

For further information regarding these duties please refer to Working Together 2023

Section 11 audit process

This Section 11 Audit is designed to support statutory organisations to review and reflect honestly on their safeguarding practice and assure themselves they are fulfilling their statutory duties. BSCP will provide feedback on submissions to help organisations identify strengths and areas for development and to share examples of good practice locally. Submissions will also shape the support we provide to organisations in the coming year, for example we have provided targeted training around the voice of the child. 

The BSCP has two self-assessments. The first is the Section 11 audit for statutory organisations. The latest version of the audit tool can be found here

We also have a self-assessment audit tool (called a Safeguarding Checklist) for Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector organisations. This can be found here. This is a more condensed version of a Section 11 and easier to manager for non-statutory organisations. 

For schools, Section 175 safeguarding audits are carried out by Barnet Education and Learning Service. 

Please note our Section 11 audit tool and VCFS Safeguarding Checklist are currently under review and we will share latest versions as soon as these are available. 

How to complete the self -assessment

Organisations are asked to provide a brief description of how they meet the criteria and to either attach or provide a link to evidence demonstrating they meet the criteria. Organisations are also asked to give a RAG rating for each thematic area and identify key actions needed to improve. 

BSCP will provide feedback on the submissions and organise learning events to share good practice between organisations. If you have any questions about the Section 11 audits or the safeguarding checklist, please email BSCP@Barnet.gov.uk and email your returns to the same address.