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Quality Assurance

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One of the core functions of the BSCP is to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of what is done by the safeguarding partners individually and collectively to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people and to advise them on ways to improve.

This requires the Partnership to develop its own comprehensive overview of the quality, timeliness and effectiveness of multi-agency practice in Barnet.

Our approach to multi-agency quality assurance has four components:

1. Monitoring partner compliance with the statutory requirements to have effective safeguarding arrangements in place (Section 11 audit process)

2. A performance management framework which collates data from across the Partnership about safeguarding activity.

3. ‘Outcomes-based accountability’ approach, asking three questions:

  • How much did we do?
  • How well did we do it?
  • Did it make a difference?

4. A multi-agency quality assurance and audit programme. This is designed to provide much more information about the quality of the work being undertaken and its impact on outcomes for individual children and young people. 

Please see our seven-minute briefings from our recent multi-agency audits on child sexual abuse and vulnerable adolescents

This system complements and feeds into the Framework for Learning and Improvement which helps to promote a culture of continuous improvement across the partnership.

Further information about the quality assurance work of the BSCP can be found in our annual report.