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Bruising in mobile and non mobile children - a protocol, strategy and pathway

BSCP is pleased to publish its comprehensive review of our bruising protocol in mobile and non-mobile children . We have also produced accompanying pathway documents. 

The aim of these protocols is to provide frontline health and other professionals with a knowledge base and action strategy for the assessment, management and referral of mobile and non-mobile children and young people under the age 18, who present with bruising or unexplained injury.  

BSCP has published these reviewed protocols following safeguarding reviews at a local level in which it was identified that a renewed focus upon supporting professionals to identify and contextualise bruising on children was important in deciding the thresholds required within child protection. They also follow on from a national lens of scrutiny upon responding effectively to bruising following tragic incidents of children being harmed or killed.

If you have any questions please contact the BSCP team on bscp@barnet.gov.uk

Bruising protocol in non-mobile children

Bruising protocol in mobile children

Pathway for bruising in non-mobile children

Pathway for bruising in mobile children