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Tools and Resource Pack - Supporting Children, Families and Young People Through Challenging Times

Tools and resources are available for staff who work with children, young people, and families that are impacted directly and indirectly by hate speech, Islamophobia, antisemitism, racism, anti-immigration persecution and targeted community violence. Media reporting is littered with misinformation and is acknowledged as deeply troubling for many staff, children, families, and communities who are from minoritised communities. 

The resources provide guidance and tools for:

  • supporting children and families who experience racial and conflict trauma
  • working with youth
  • migrant children and asylum seekers
  • supporting the wellbeing of our workforce and practitioners.

Across all of BSCP's partners there is zero tolerance towards racism, Islamophobia, and antisemitism. If you experience hate speech or acts directly or indirectly, please discuss with your line manager

We hope the tools and resources are helpful in supporting you and the children and families you work with to tackle all forms of hate 

They can be found here.

BSCP also echoes and amplifies statements published by CoramBAAF condemning the appalling acts of violence, disorder, and racism that have terrorised communities across the UK over summer 2024. Like CoramBAAF we stand firmly with our colleagues and who were impacted by these frightening and heartbreaking events, as well as those who live and work in the affected communities. 

Foster carers, kinship carers, and adoptive parents are on the front lines, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. In these troubling times, it is essential to consider the unique challenges faced by Black, Asian, minority ethnic, unaccompanied children and young people, and those of Muslim heritage, and provide them with the tailored support they need. 

Social workers, legal and health professionals, and everyone in the children’s social care sector, play a crucial role in condemning racism and upholding safety, inclusivity, and respect. 

Together, we can promote a more inclusive society by listening, respecting, and learning from one another. In doing so, it is crucial to ensure that all children and young people feel safe, heard, and supported. Please take the time to check in on and offer support to children and young people in your care, as well as your friends, family, colleagues, neighbours, and communities. 

We also invite our members to share their ideas on how we can improve our support, training, and membership services. Creating opportunities for practitioners to discuss concerns and solutions is vital in our ongoing fight against racism.

You may find the additional following resources and support helpful:

Staying Safe amidst Far-Right violence (August 2024) 

Samaritans – to talk to someone, anytime 

Mind – mental health support across England and Wales 

Young Minds – practical advice and support for young people  

Tell Mama – to report anti-Muslim hate or Islamophobia  

Muslim Youth Helpline – faith and culturally sensitive support 

Spark and Co. – directory of support services for people of colour, including mental health services 

Bayo – find collectives, organisations and services from across the UK that offer mental health and wellbeing support to the Black community 

Southeast and East Asian Centre – mental health support to people of Southeast and East Asian heritage in the UK 

Galop – an LGBT+ anti-abuse charity 

Migrant Children’s Project (Coram CLC) – one-off specialist immigration advice 

Become – support for all children in care and care leavers