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Child protection information sharing

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CP-IS is now live in Barnet, this means that the Local Authority, and Health Partners (Barndoc Healthcare, The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London Central & West Unscheduled Care Collaborative and Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust) now share information on current looked after children (LAC) and child protection (CP) cases as well as those that closed in the last 6 months electronically from the Children's Social Care system to Health systems.

What it is

The Child Protection - Information Sharing project (CP-IS) is connecting IT systems together so that local authorities and the NHS can share child protection information securely.

It means that when a child who is Looked After or on a Child Protection Plan attends an unscheduled care setting, like an emergency department or minor injury unit:

  • The health team is alerted that they are on a plan and has access to the contact details for the social care team
  • The social care team is automatically notified that the child has attended, and 
  • Both parties can see details of the child's previous 25 visits to unscheduled care settings in England

This means that health and social care staff have a more complete picture of a child's interactions with health and social care services. This enables them to provide better care and earlier interventions for children who are considered vulnerable and at risk. 

CP-IS is currently being rolled out to local authorities and healthcare organisations across England.

How does it work?

  • Every day, a limited amount of essential non-clinical information is uploaded automatically from Barnet's children’s social care systems to the NHS system.
  • When a child is booked in at an unscheduled care setting that has CP-IS, staff are alerted that the child has a CPP or LAC status.
  • Health staff are provided with contact details for the social care team responsible.
  • The social care team is automatically alerted that the child has presented at an unscheduled care setting.
  • Health and social care staff can see details of the child’s previous 25 visits to unscheduled care settings.

Benefits of CP-IS

Child Protection - Information Sharing (CP-IS) aims to improve outcomes for vulnerable children. But there are also benefits for Healthcare Teams and Children's Social Care Teams.

  1. Early intervention - taking action to prevent or reduce future harm happening to children
    • Knowing the child protection status of the child contributes to a more holistic clinical assessment whilst in a healthcare setting. As a result, decisions can be made to seek intervention earlier. With instant access to CP-IS information, communication with the appropriate social worker can take place quickly leading to a better outcome for the child.
    • The social worker is notified immediately that a child in their care has presented at an unscheduled care setting. The social worker has knowledge of the child and family and can assess whether an intervention is required to achieve a good outcome for the child.
  1. Improved safety and care - doing the best when children need help
    • CP-IS is a national system. Health staff can see vital information about children based anywhere in England. Social care staff can see if a child in their care attends an unscheduled care setting anywhere in the country.
    • Health and social care staff are provided with each other's contact details so they are able to work more closely together. Sharing information will support better decision making about the child's care.
    • Health staff in unscheduled care settings have more reliable checks and the risk of missing a child who is known to a local authority is reduced. In addition, a flagged vulnerable child is more likely to see a senior clinician ensuring a senior overview of the child's care.
  1. Increased workforce efficiency and effectiveness - doing the most for children with the resources we have
    • Child Protection - Information Sharing replaces manual processes, thus freeing up resources to be used elsewhere. The process is automated and information is sent to the NHS Spine daily ensuring child's data is always up to date and current.

Click here for information sharing advice for practitioners.