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Joint protocol for youth homelessness

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Barnet recognises the value that a strong and stable family life provides to young people aged 16/17, particularly in relation to the quality of their relationships, education, financial security, preparation for adulthood and positive health; this is widely supported by research which tells us that children and young people do better when they remain living within their own families.

As such, we will always strive to find ways to help young people remain living with their families by helping to repair relationships with their parents/carers or exploring other members of the family who might be able to offer the security of a stable home into adulthood.

We recognise that for some young people, this type of stability and security may not be available to them within their own families, and when this is the case we will assess their needs thoroughly in order to decide the type and level of accommodation and support that will need to be provided to them.

This protocol sets out Children’s Social Care and Housing Options joint procedure for responding to 16/17 year old homelessness. It covers what will happen from the point young people present asking for help to longer term support arrangements.

Our commitment is:

  • To ensure that all young people approaching our services for help are treated fairly, with respect and with sensitivity to their age, understanding and individual backgrounds or circumstances
  • To thoroughly assess a young person’s circumstances without prejudice
  • To seek to find the best outcome for young people by listening to what they have to say and working in their best interests and in collaboration with them
  • To maintain a professional and calm approach towards young people at all times
  • To ensure that is safe for young people to return home
  • To ensure that accommodation provided to young people is of a good quality
  • To ensure that young people are escorted to their accommodation and helped to settle in and/or introduced to those that will be providing day to day support to them
  • To listen to young people’s views and feedback about their experiences

You can find the full Barnet joint housing and children's social care protocol for homeless 16-17 year olds here.