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Reporting a concern about a child

If a child is in immediate danger please call 999

The MASH is there to acts a single ‘front door’ for children in need of additional support and/or protection. Co-located within the MASH is a partnership of professionals from a range of agencies including the police, health, education, children’s social care, early help, substance misuse, housing, probation and domestic violence services.

The professionals will work together to share and analyse information held on multiple client data systems to build a picture of the child’s history, current circumstances, support systems, needs and risks. This means that proportionate and timely decisions can be made about the type and level of services children need to safeguard their welfare, meet their needs and improve their outcomes, ensuring that children receive the right help first time.

Barnet MASH ensures that:

  • All safeguarding referrals are dealt with in a timely and effective manner to ensure the immediate protection of children
  • Decisions are timely, sound and based on high quality multi-agency information sharing arrangements
  • All agencies have the confidence to share information safely and securely
  • Risk is identified through robust analysis of a wide range of historical and current information and concerns
  • Children, young people and their families are referred to the right services first time and as early in the life of the problem as possible
  • Professional agencies working with children and their families have access to information that is proportionate and relevant to their involvement in a child’s life
  • Allocation of resources for children and families is timely, coherent and transparent
  • Professionals have rapid access to qualified and experienced social work professionals for safeguarding advice, information and guidance on access to local resources
  • The service is well understood and accessible to those that need it
  • Our partnership arrangements are built upon to improve access and promote seamless delivery throughout the borough.

How to contact the MASH:

Email: MASH@barnet.gov.uk 

Telephone: 020 8359 4066 (out of hours contact the emergency duty team on 020 8359 2000)

Online referral: link here

Address: MASH

London Borough of Barnet
2 Bristol Avenue

We ask that professionals who are making referrals to the MASH, where appropriate, discuss intended referrals about children with the adults who hold parental responsibility for them prior to making a referral. Professionals should include in the referral whether they have spoken to the child and parents about the referral they are making.

Together, we can tackle child abuse.

  • All children have a right to be safe and should be protected from all forms of abuse and neglect
  • Anything you notice can help a child at risk. We all have a role to play in protecting children and young people from child abuse and neglect
  • Last year nearly 400,000 children in England were supported because someone noticed they needed help
  • To help protect a child or young person look out for changes in their Appearance, Behaviour and Communication (A B C)
  • It’s up to all of us to keep children safe. Many people do not act because they’re worried about being wrong. You don’t have to be absolutely certain; if you’re concerned a child is being abused or their safety is at risk, speak to someone
  • Report it anonymously to your local council, NSPCC or the police who can provide the support a child may need
  • Information is gathered from many sources, and your report forms part of a bigger picture. Reporting your concerns to your local council, NSPCC, or the police, could provide the missing piece of information that is needed to keep a child safe.

Child abuse. If you think it, report it. Contact Barnet MASH www.barnet.gov.uk/mash.

To find out more about child abuse campaign visit: gov.uk/tacklechildabuse