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BSCP Learning Repository

Here you will find lots of tools and resources from our sharing of local safeguarding reviews and national thematic reviews. We hope these will help shape and inform your own safeguarding practice.

Information sharing, professional curiosity, and cultural competency: learning from a recent safeguarding review featuring severe malnourishment – BSCP webinars

  • A local CSPR report entitled ‘Child Marcus’ and is an independent review into harm experienced by ‘Marcus’, a child who resided in Barnet. Marcus is now safe and well in the care of the local authority. Marcus was not ‘seen’ by multi agency professionals as being at risk over the course of sporadic engagements with postnatal health services.
  • The review also highlights examples of strong and committed multi-agency safeguarding practice. The recommendations detailed in the review have been accepted in full by BSCP and action will continually be taken, both locally and nationally, to drive these recommendations forward through our action plan.
  • Thanks is given to Marcus’s mother and multi-agency professionals for their involvement in the development of this report. A summary review of learning can be found here.
  • We are pleased to report that over 100 multi agency professional attended a series of learning webinars featuring key aspects of practice learning found in this review. A video of the webinar can be found here https://vimeo.com/975116622?share=copy

The national safeguarding panel's most recent annual report:

The Partnership came together over a series of webinars to explore key themes emanating from the national panel's safeguarding report. Over 100 multi-agency partners joined us to review them. Please find the slides below


Publishing Barnet's new Continuum of Help & Support:

Over Summer 2023 BSCP delivered webinars designed to raise awareness of the updated Continuum of Help & Support . A webinar can be found below which will help develop your understanding of the levels of need children and families experience and the help & support they can expect to receive: 


Bruising protocols in mobile and non-mobile children (April 2023):


There were several drivers for these protocols: National review Star & Arthur , CSPR panel publication on bruising in non -mobile infants following publication of a CSPR Child L

Child L local CSPR featured a small child presenting to hospital with 36 bruises. These were deemed non-accidental. He was known to multi agency services. Core recommendations featured on the need to review multi agency bruising protocols.

The aim of these protocols therefore is to provide frontline health and other professionals with a knowledge base and action strategy for the assessment, management and referral of mobile and non-mobile children and young people under the age 18, who present with bruising or unexplained injury.  

BSCP webinar outlining Private Fostering arrangements and raising awareness of Special Guardianship and wider kinship care February 2023:

BSCP webinar upon briefing paper published by national safeguarding panel upon domestic abuse and the prevalence of this affecting children, particularly under the age of 1:

BSCP webinar sharing learning from the national reviews into the murders of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes and Star Hobson ;

BSCP cultural competency and physical chastisement statement:

Review of recent Rapid Reviews where serious harm has occurred:

Learning webinar - Local Rapid Reviews, Cultural Comptency and Physical Chastisement

The webinar shares learning in relation to, two separate Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews known as CSPR Family H and CSPR Family J . Both reviews include important safeguarding issues learnt related to Elective Home Education, sexual abuse, bereavement, neglect, domestic violence, coercive control, neglect and physical chastisement. 

  • Sharing learning from Rapid Reviews (which are prior to a more wide ranging CSPR) where we will explore themes such physical abuse, multi-agency working, information sharing and fixed thinking within practice.

The webinar slides from this session are available below: 

BSCP Learning webinar

Slides Image National Review

BSCP Training Event CAFCASS Private Law, Family Courts

Click below the to access the CAFCASS Slides - If you would more information relating to understanding the role of Cafcass - please contact us via email Barnet Safeguarding Children Partnership - BSCP <BSCP@Barnet.gov.uk> and we will support you to access this information.

The role of Cafcass in private law proceedings

BSCP Lunch and Learn Webinar the powers of police protection - LIVE recording and slides below:

Police Protection Webinar Slides

BSCP - LIVE webinar - support with sharing information including support for Health Practitioners:

Training to share or not to share

BSCP has recently conducted a multi-agency audit upon referrals to the MASH following a period of concerted increase in safeguarding referrals as we came out of the winter 2020/21 lockdown. We wished to ascertain the thresholds of the referrals, the quality of them and key causal factors underlying them . A large sample of cases were audited and findings and areas for further improvement are outlined with the 5 minute briefing document . The Learning and Thematic Review Group will further afford challenge and scrutiny as to the embedding of learning in practice. Click the image below for more information - see more.
